OPENING 01 June 16:00 – 19:00 In the presence of the artist
Introduction by Kars Persoon: “The Plain in Berestagi [Indonesia]”
The Suzanne Biederberg Gallery is delighted to present Kars Persoon’s most recent work in his upcoming exhibition. Persoon’s artistic career consists of an impressive body of experimental work, informed by his diverse interests in music, poetry, literature, philosophy, and history. He sees in the vitality of his art an antidote to the current social and political upheavals in the world.
Persoon’s paintings and works on paper reflect a reality consisting of interrelated and overlapping organic processes: figures, faces, colours and textures emerge and recede, blossom and decay in the sensual theatre of representation. These elements do not exist in reality—only in his imagination. His compositions seek to expand on the connections within his personal universe and address the question ‘What is it to be an individual and at the same time part of a collective?’.
One cannot absorb his works in a single glance but must move through them with one’s eyes just as one travels through time or listens to music, experiencing them as a complex but coherent sequence. Understanding these impressions as a viewer requires activating one’s gaze and devoting attention to his work, because, in the end, one doesn’t see objects but an organic connection in which multiple elements are interwoven: the creation of the image—an actual entity.
Kars Persoon lives and works between Utrecht and Amsterdam.